Logo Design

◆We are known for creating Custom One-of-a-Kind Logos, many with Hand Illustrated and Lettered Elements, but we also provide more traditional Typographic Designs. Our goal is to represent the Identity of a Business or Corporation with Graphics that best suit the Message and Image of that enterprise. We have created Logo Designs for Arlo Guthrie's 'Rolling Blunder Revue', Alice's Restaurant, The Music Inn, Berkshire Music Hall, Rhythmic Connections, Nejaime's Lavasch, Linda Warner Real Estate, Glad Rags, Berkshire Harmony, Big Bear Music, Ski America, Sheffield Pottery, Starbase Technologies, Kamp Ketchum and many other local and regional businesses.
Logo Slideshow
see slideshow
see slideshow
Package Design

◆We have done Food and Cosmetic Packaging for international and regional businesses and Music CD and DVD Album Artwork and Packaging for Area Performers. Package Design can often use the combination of Custom Made Patterns, Eye Catching Graphics and Photography in order to contain and display a company's product or show-case a musical message. Every job is unique and requires solutions that are tailored to the product.
Print Design

◆We create striking, effective designs for all kinds of
full color print products including Posters, Brochures, Business Cards, Newspaper and Magazine Advertisements and more. We guide each project from Concept and Design to Pre-Press Production and Printing so our customers experience a hassle-free process through out the job. By supplying all the necessary elements, whether it is one or all of them, including Photography Services, Graphic Design and Pre-Press and Printing, we can make a Quick, Cost Effective and Easy Workflow. Some of our clients include Chesterwood Museum, Ski America, The Town of Lenox, Berkshire Studio, Nejaime's Lavasch, Starbase Technologies, Berkshire Music Hall, Sheffield Pottery and more.
full color print products including Posters, Brochures, Business Cards, Newspaper and Magazine Advertisements and more. We guide each project from Concept and Design to Pre-Press Production and Printing so our customers experience a hassle-free process through out the job. By supplying all the necessary elements, whether it is one or all of them, including Photography Services, Graphic Design and Pre-Press and Printing, we can make a Quick, Cost Effective and Easy Workflow. Some of our clients include Chesterwood Museum, Ski America, The Town of Lenox, Berkshire Studio, Nejaime's Lavasch, Starbase Technologies, Berkshire Music Hall, Sheffield Pottery and more.
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f i n e l i n e l e n o x @ g m a i l . c o m
w w w . f i n e l i n e l e n o x . c o m
S t u d i o 4 1 3 - 6 3 7 - 2 0 2 0 / O f f i c e 4 1 3 - 4 4 7 - 7 4 4 7 / M o b i l e 4 1 3 - 2 1 4 - 1 4 5 6
6 6 C H U R C H S T R E E T , L E N O X , M A S S A C H U S E T T S 0 1 2 4 0
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